Wednesday 28 March 2012

What You Need to Know about Breast Implants?

Surgical breast augmentation poses itself as a very popular solution for all the women who are unhappy with their smaller breast size than normal. It is one of the well-known and widely accepted cosmetic surgeries in the western parts of the world and is slowly gaining popularity in India as well. It surely is a great way to construct and enlarge breasts in women but before anyone considers getting it done, we need to know a few common facts about one of the most favorite cosmetic surgeries.

Silicone Breast Implants: there are 2 kinds of implants materials used by cosmetic surgeons, namely saline and silicone breast implants. Among the two, silicone breast implants have gained immense popularity for many reasons. The FDA re-approved the use of silicone breast implants in the year 2006 after almost 14 years of research and experiments.

Facts about Silicone Breast Implants:

Natural look: the main reason why thousands of women opt for silicone material is that it efficiently provides natural look to the breasts. It feels very natural and hardly causes any oddness. These implants feel softer and do not cause a rippling feeling which is very uncomfortable. After the initial pain and numbness during the post surgery stage, cosmetic surgeons say that they have not received any major complaints from the patients. This surgery has high successes rate.

Lesser chances of Rupture: silicone breast implants have lesser chances of getting ruptured because of their durable make. The outer layer of the implant is constructed with thicker particles to protect it from damage. As lot of technological advancement has gone into this construction and is still under research, newer, safer and more durable implants are being developed. Along with this a cohesive gel is used with the implant which works as a binding agent when and if the implant actually gets ruptured, which in itself is a very rare case.

Size and incisions: women have different breast sizes and to suits their built naturally, silicone breast implants come in various sizes. Starting from the larger sizes like DD cup, you will get D cup and C cup sizes for women of various body shapes. There are basically 3 ways in which silicone breast can be incised into a woman’s body. It could be through the nipples, under the breast fold and through the arm pit. One needs to understand that scars can be bigger than usual in many cases.

Cost: this definitely a costly affair. Cosmetic surgeries in themselves are not cheap and silicone breast implants come with a big price tag. And it is not only the implants that are expensive but the surgery and post surgery care also expects you to shell out good amount of money.

Cautions: Silicone breast implants are not for women of all ages. Only women who are of the age of 22 or above can get the augmentation done. Women should also know that just one implant is not going to last for a life time but they need to be replaced after a few years. Though it’s a very tested and proven cosmetic surgery, it is not free from side effects.
For breast enlargement with breast implant in India, Dr Tejinder Bhatti uses only Mentor implants for all his clients since your safety and well-being are foremost at Darling Buds Clinic, Chandigarh, India.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Gynecomastia and How to Deal With It

It is very common to see boobs in infants of both genders in the initial stages of their lives. But as they grow, boys lose the tissues. This does not happen in many cases though, as many adolescents face a problem called Gynecomastia meaning they develop male boobs and might have to live with it for the rest of their lives. Here is an over look of this problem, its affects and successful cure.

Understanding Gynecomastia:

Gynecomastia is a physiological problem. This term literally translates as 'women like breasts'. In this condition boys or men develop breast tissues on their chest which look like breasts in women. Generally adolescent boys develop such breast like formations but as they mature, the tissues comeback to normal and 'breasts' disappear in about 90% of the cases. For others though it remains as a great embarrassment.

Gynecomastia in itself is not a medical problem. But it definitely affects the whole personality of a person having it. Most of the time, this person is faced with humiliation, shame and mocking. It becomes a reason for others to make a fool of that person and make him feel ashamed. As seen in many cases, the patient is depressed and totally broken as he is not able to lead a normal life.

Causes for Gynecomastia:

Generally a person's diet and life style plays a big role in him having this disorder. Along with that puberty, obesity, genetic causes, steroid, side effects of medicines etc can also cause it. If none of these are really the root cause for Gynecomastia in a person then he needs to be tested for tumors, lung problem or any other medical problem that is troubling his body.

Treatment for Gynecomastia:

In many of the cases it is not a medical problem and the patient will not be facing any medical issues related to it. But because it in a large way affects a man's appearance and thus affects his whole personality, men are looking for effective solutions to get rid of male boobs. If a person is going through puberty or is suffering with obesity, then a bit of diet control, good amount of exercise will reduce this puffiness over a period of time.

Surgery as an Effective Remedy:

Present day plastic surgery has grown by leaps and bounds and has most effective cure for many ailments like Gynecomastia. Lot of patients many not actually have this problem and their male boobs might just be caused by weight or side effects of medicines. When natural measures or pills don't seem to work, surgery is the best option considering its positive results. A well trained plastic surgeon will take away the fat formation around the chest area through liposuction. Then the glandular tissues will be removed to flatten the whole muscle and will be provided a manly look. Before opting for surgery one should know that it is an expensive treatment and should be done only after thorough medical examination and by expert surgeons. Along with this the patient has to be counseled to live an embarrassment free life.

To know more about gynecomastia treatment india and gynecomastia surgery india, visit

Hair Transplant Treatment in South Africa

In the last one century, medical science has developed more than it ever did. Newer treatments, medicines and ground breaking techniques are being tried to relieve people out of their medical problems and help them lead a healthy life. One of the major fields where cosmetic surgery has achieved great success is hair restoration. As you read on, you will discover some of the important facts about hair transplant in South Africa and how best you can prepare for it.

What is hair transplant?

Hair transplant in Africa can be defined as grafting of hair roots from a donor site into a recipient site. This is done through most sophisticated cosmetic surgery using latest technique. Hair loss in Africa is a problem faced by men as well as women. There were times when they could not do much about it, but now they find a permanent solution in the form of hair transplant and hair restoration. Over the past couple of decades people have started to trust this method to bring back their look and thus their confidence. Hair transplant has its own advantages and when done by an expert doctor, it will prove to be very effective.

Preparing for Hair Transplant:

Mentally getting ready for it- People have suffered with hair loss in Africa but it is very embarrassing for them to go out and seek medical help for it. The main reason is the mental blocks they develop and the fear that their near and dear ones may make fun of them. First step to make this transplant a success is to get mentally ready for it. Getting counseling is not at all a bad idea. Talk to the friends of family members whom you really trust to support your decision. Once that is done, you should also prepare to answer the people who will ask you the reason to go in for this surgery.

Thorough discussion with doctor- there are various things you need to know about the whole hair transplant process. Get a complete and detailed check up where in the doctor can decide on how many grafts and sittings are required to give a good hair transplant. Cost of hair transplant in Africa can be anywhere between $5000 and $20,000. It totally depends on where and how you get your transplant done. If you opt to get the surgery done in Asian countries like India, the cost is reasonable and they will even arrange for your stay during the whole process of transplant. Talk very clearly about the risks involved and what to expect out of it.

Get encouraged by testimonials- the hair transplant institutions, their websites and the search engine in general are loaded with lot of testimonials of the people who have already undergone hair transplant in Africa and openly share their experience. Read some of the testimonials of recent times and get inspired by them. In case you encounter a doubt, get it cleared from your doctor. A well done hair transplant will change your personality in a great way.

To know more about hair transplant in south africa and hair transplant cost in south africa, visit

All You Need to Know about Hair Transplant in Australia

Hair loss in Australia as in any other part of the world is one of the most common problems faced by men. Though it is more common in men, women too face this problem. Years of research and trials and tests have lead scientists to some ground breaking inventions in this field. It is now possible through cosmetic surgery to transplant hair back on a person's head very successfully. As this section of specialized cosmetic surgery is gaining popularity very rapidly in Australia, it becomes very important to gain basic knowledge about it before actually consulting a cosmetic surgeon.

Major Techniques:

The origin of hair transplant can be linked to Japan in the early 1920 when the thought of grafting hair on the head was proposed. The 2 major methods used even today follow the basic principle of grafting the hair roots from a donor to a recipient. They are FUT or Follicular unit Transplant and FUE or Follicular unit Extraction. Both the techniques use advanced technology and are approved by the FDA. As they have their own pros and cons, the patient should learn more about them by consulting a specialist and opt for the one that suits him best. Your surgeon will tell you that first thing you need to do is to get mentally prepared for this kind of surgery. Both procedures will leave a few scars on your head, in FUT it will be like lines and in FUE a few dots. Cost wise there is a slight difference between these two methods but it all depends on how many grafts you actually need.

Cost of Hair Transplant in Australia:

The cost varies from country to country. People might shell out anything between $6000 and $22,000 for a hair transplant surgery in Australia. The hair transplant cost in Australia increases depending on the numbers of grafts required. Good news for Australian patients is that they can find specialist and experienced surgeons in developing countries like India, who are trained in foreign universities. So if you are in Australia and want to get your transplant done in India, the hair transplant hospitals can actually plan a holiday package including your stay and surgery and post surgery care cost. Thus it becomes very important that you need to personally collect all the information about what things are included in the surgery package.

Things to Keep in Mind:

The first thing one needs to understand is that hair transplant in Australia is a very expensive and sophisticated affair. It should be taken in all seriousness and considered as the last option. If your hair loss is at an initial stage, you need to consider many of the non-surgical methods to stop it or slow it down. Along with this acquire complete knowledge about post care of any hair transplant in Australia. Do not be fooled by claims of low cost hair transplant in Australia and quick reliefs and so on as you might end up with greater medical problems. It is a great idea to read testimonials of people who have already got hair transplant done and to learn from their experiences.

To know more about hair transplant cost australia and australia hair transplant, visit

Saturday 18 February 2012

Hair Transplant in Jordan

Hair loss and such similar problems are growing on a big scale and thus with each passing day the demand for plastic surgeons offering best hair transplant is also increasing worldwide. There are certain factors, which a person must consider while choosing a hair transplant surgeon such as:
1.Make sure that the surgeon you choose guarantees that he specializes hair transplantation. Along with being a multi-task professional, it is also important that at one time he attends and perform procedure upon a single patient. Rather, we can also say that the surgeon and his team’s primary focus must be a single patient at one time.

2.To perform a hair transplantation surgery, it is very important for the surgeon to balance the density of the hair and charge appropriate cost from the patient. Thus a patient must ensure initially that he gets the maximum transfer of hair possible and that too at an agreed upon set price.

3.Prior selecting a doctor for yourself, you must check his past performance record with hundreds of detailed patient before-and-after photos.

4.Hair transplantation is definitely not an easier task thus make a wise choice by selecting the most experienced and with big expertise doctor to get your hair transplantation surgery done.
Though there would be only few doctors, who could serve you and your needs with respect to your preferences, one can definitely get a good list post making a firm research.

Dr. Tejinder Bhatti is a Director of Darling Buds and also a very renowned plastic surgeon, who specializes in both the latest techniques of hair transplantation. Here we are talking about cutting edge FUE technique and FUT strip techniques, which are definitely best suitable to all the individual conditions. Dr. Bhatti today has a big number of patient lists in Jordan and the reason behind same gain is his efficient services and his team of expertise trained in the US that is readily available to serve all the patient’s needs at any hour in his medical facility.

Moreover, he also patiently explain all the pros and cons of the hair transplantation procedures that are served in his medical facility and leaves it up to the patient to decide which procedure he wants to opt for himself. Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center is a pioneer center that is serving in Jordan under the leadership of Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, a renowned plastic surgeon. Doctor and his efficient team of professionals make sure that each and every patient in their medical facility is served with safe and efficient results regarding their hair loss treatments. Moreover the centre’s efforts have also earned Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center the name of the fastest growing center in Asia.

With the help of techniques that are served by Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, one can get to see the best natural growth of his crown hair. Hair of the patient is relocated from the ear behind permanent zone and is then implanted on the affected area by using special needles imported from USA.
Expertise knowledge, efficient treatment, firm results are the services that Dr. Bhatti and his team serves people with. What are you waiting for?
This article has provided information about hair loss jordan and hair transplant jordan.

Gynecomastia: An upcoming problem

Till now, we have been hearing that women usually faces problem in their breasts or can grow or get bigger breasts with the help of breast implants but recently some cases have come up to the medical professionals highlighting that men are facing some breast related issues and here the cases are not to increase the breasts rather they look forward to get smaller sizes from the treatments.

Yes, the term Gynecomastia basically highlights the same upcoming problem that is being faced by many men worldwide today. It is a problem related to male breasts or puffy breasts in men.

Medical professionals have allotted the term Gynecomastia to this breast related problem in men. They have derived this term from the Greek word "gyne" meaning women related and "mastos" denoting breast. Collectively the word means breasts resembling the ones seen in women.

People in India and other parts of world also use terms like male breast enlargement or puffy boobs for the word Gynecomastia. Medical professionals have generally noticed this problem in adolescent age group. Though according to doctors the problem is transient and it disappears only in few months after it is noticed, some cases could face some different effects because in approx 20% cases, the enlarged breasts have been noticed to be the cause of poor self esteem and shy behavior in patients. To clear the picture of this growing problem, here mentioned is the list of the causes of Gynecomastia in men such as pubertal, steroids, obesity, drug abuse like marijuana use, breast tumor, genetic pass, liver diseases, use of miscellaneous medications at the same time can cause breast enlargement in males, castration, kleinfelter Syndrome, gilbert's Syndrome and certain age factors as well.

Along with the causes, here below has also been mentioned the cures of this illness in male. If in case the breast enlargements are because of being over-weight then the best way to alter the shape and the size of the breast in males is diet and exercise. But if breast enlargements in men are due to some other reasons then the best cure for same is to get a surgery done on the breasts like liposuction or excision.

In another case, if breast enlargements have occurred because of drug abuse or consequent to other reasons then one thing is positive that the men do not have to go through all the psychological terrors that in other cases he could. The best cure to the breast enlargements in these cases is getting gynecomastia surgery.

But along with above, there is one more truth to learn that getting a surgery do not finishes all the problems. Gynecomastia along with being a physical error also severely hurts a patient psychologically as well as emotionally. Thus post undergoing a surgery, it also necessitates to keep the patient under psychological counseling and that too until the time all his psychological scars disappear because if in case, he did not get appropriate guidance, feelings of shame, humiliation, embarrassment and self hate can suppress him from starting a new and a fresh life ahead.

For more information, please visit gynecomastia surgery and gynecomastia

Seeking Effective Hair Transplant: Welcome to Canada

 Hair transplant a term that might be new for many, but then at the same time is quite common also for more than half of Canada’s population. Canada offers such climatic conditions to the residents here that most of the people experiences hair fall and considering this there exist several experienced and knowledgeable surgeons and doctors here that promise to deliver them with the best of solutions. Though it is important for everyone to take best of care for his hair but then for individuals residing in such countries, like Canada, where for more than half of the time, the climate is quite chilly and cool, this is something that cannot be ignored and avoided. And therefore for those who fail to fight against hair loss with natural remedies and techniques, after several leaps and bounds, there has been discovered the technology of hair transplant.

Hair transplant includes two kinds of treatments; one is FUE and second is FUT. Both these techniques, in their own ways are effective enough to get back the lost hair from crown, but then today because of varying marketing techniques, there exist a sense of confusion in the mind of the prospective client. He gets confused to choose the best among them. With FUE, a person can get only 3500 grafts in his entire life. Surgeons that associate in dealing with this technique use to praise the virtues of it but then at the same time, fail to inform the client about the weakening of the donor site. Similarly, the surgeons who perform only FUT, which is also known as, strip technique, they don’t like to practice something new and this is the reason that they also misinform their clients as they are biased in favor of FUT only. Therefore it is always better to visit the doctor who is familiar with both the transplant techniques and does both of them equally.

Looks play a vital role in maintaining self confidence and when it comes to hair then they are placed at such a position of the human body that gets noticed by others instantly. This is the reason that why every individual is seriously influenced by cosmetic features of his body. Hair styling is very important for all, as stylish hair do is the easiest way to look good. But then many hair styles also tend to put a lot of tension and stress on hair, which further results in weakening of the roots and finally gives birth to hair loss.  Besides, there are a number of other reasons also that could be termed responsible for this hair defects. For example, in women there is so much of hormone imbalance during pregnancy that the first thing that gets affected is their hair. Other than this, certain medications and infections can also cause early hair loss.
Well, obtaining consultation and treatments in Canada is now not a problem. With numerous renowned surgeons existing here, people living in Canada don’t have to travel around the globe for their hair transplant treatment.

This article has provided information about hair transplant canada and hair loss canada.

Hair Transplant in South Africa

Baldness, hair loss etc are some terms that are majorly affecting many people today and their meanings themselves better suggests what they are actually linked to. Yes, these are certain problem phases under which a person starts losing his/her hair resulting into hair loss or hair fall from the affected area. There is no specific reason behind such problems but they could occur because of some deficiency in the body, or sometimes age also act as a big factor of same.

To all such problems of hair loss, the most efficient treatment is hair transplantation. Hair Transplanting though has become very common worldwide and many people have today started opting for one to treat the illness with the best techniques, there is only limited number of surgeons in the world, who offer the different techniques to people aspiring for hair transplantation.

If we especially talk about hair transplant in South Africa, then quite a big number of people are facing this hair loss problem in the region. Undoubtedly, the best techniques for hair transplantation are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation or strip hair transplant procedure). To serve Africans best regarding their hair loss problems with the help of the above mentioned techniques, Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Director of Darling Buds, is the only plastic surgeon in the region, who is offering both FUE and FUT techniques in his medical facility.

Serving under the guidance of one of the most renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center is a pioneer center that primarily aims to serve the people in the region with the safest and the permanent results to treat the patient’s hair loss problem. Moreover, his USA trained team of assistants is also serving big to the center known as the fastest growing and developing center in Asia.

Both the techniques have their own pros and cons, which every aspiring patient of hair transplant must understand in advance prior opting for one for own self. Dr. Bhatti also explains his patients in advance about the pros and cons that are attached with each procedure enabling only the patient to decide what he needs.

All those, who are looking forward to get hair transplantation done from an expertise team of professionals can, get themselves served at this hair transplant centre because the centre’s outstanding services in hair transplantation have gained Dr. Tejinder Bhatti a big list of patients visiting his clinic from South Africa. There is also a good Canadian patient’s list with Dr. Tejinder Bhatti.

Dr. Bhatti is a specialist of the unique techniques, while performing which, he relocates the hair from the patient’s ear behind zone and implant them in the affected areas with the help of USA imported special needles especially resulting in the best natural growth of a person’s crown hair. His every respective session involves transplantation of approx 3000 follicular units in FUE technique and approx 4000 follicular units in FUT technique, gaining him the tag of harvesting the most optimal amount around the world.
For more information, please visit hair loss south africa and hair transplant south africa

Australia: a Country to host plenty of hair transplant centers

Australia is known for offering its citizens with plenty of complicated and effective surgeries and among these, hair transplant is considered as one of the most common one. Hair transplant refers to the treatment with the help of which you can gain back the hair you have lost due to varying reasons. Well, either it is a man or a woman; baldness can happen to anyone, in any form. It is not necessary that you lose hair from your entire crown, but in most of the cases, there are particular areas of the crown that gets affected. Baldness therefore is defined in 3 forms. First is when hair gets lost from the front of your scalp. This is more common in men because their genes and hormones are such that they tend to lose hair from top of the scalp and that too in an early stage. Second is when you lose your hair in patches from the scalp. The main reason behind this kind of hair loss could be various kinds of skin problems like Lupus, Pseudopalade, Tinea Capitis, and Scleroderma etc. When this type of hair fall occurs then the hair roots also get damaged and therefore a specialized treatment is required. The last type of hair loss is when you lose hair from the entire scalp. This leads to generalized baldness and generalized thinning of your hair.

Whether it is Australia or some other part of world, hair loss is common everywhere, but then when it comes to hair transplant or other hair treatments then a very few countries possesses the same. In Australia, there are many clinics that promise to cater the needs for hair loss solutions; they cater plenty of hair loss remedies and along with this also offer the very best of hair restoration products. Australia has numerous specialized hair surgeons and therefore getting such kind of problems treated here is not a problem.

Let it be a man or a woman, young or old, black or white; hair loss is restricted to no limits. But when it happens to someone at a younger age, then it also leads to loss of self-confidence. In fact, people feel uncomfortable in their own skin. It was in 1994, when for the first time, the follicular unit graft (FUG) hair transplantation surgery was brought by the National Hair Institute in Australia and since then it has successfully completed thousands of hair plants here. By performing 300 to 400 hair transplants every year, NHI has proved to perform maximum hair transplants in Australia using follicular unit grafts. This is the reason why Australia is considered as one of the safest countries to visit for all types of hair loss replacement and hair loss treatments.

Many times, Australian women are found losing their hair during their pregnancy. This is because they have a group of genes that by acting together make their hair susceptible to natural hormones in the body. Such genes are inherited either from one parent else from both sides. But today there exist such a wide range of treatments and specialized techniques in Australia that these can be easily treated and restricted to reoccur.
For more information, please visit hair loss australia and hair transplant australia

Breast Enlargement can change your Life

These days, breast enlargement is very common among women, and particularly when we talk about high society women, then these top the list. Women may choose to have breasts enlargement due to various reasons. Some with smaller breasts wants to get the same enhanced and they therefore opt for this procedure. Other than this, there are women who have difference in the size of their two breasts, for them also breast enlargement is the only solution. This commonly used procedure can also create wonders in changing the shape of your breasts and this is the reason, why large ratio of women these days is going for it. 

It has been declared by multiple research work that silicone filled gel breast implants are safe but only for use in women who are over 22 years of age.  However, in order to make a wise decision one should be aware of the possible side-effects and the risk of complications involved into this treatment. Basically, breast implants are made of an outer layer of firm silicone, and it is usually filled with silicone gel or salt water. 

Surgeon ensures to prior discuss the size, shape and type of implant which according to the need of patients is suitable for them. Manufacturers of breast implants guaranty that they last for at least 10 years, but they may last for longer than this, with no problems.

Women are still able to breastfeed with breast implants, and there is no evidence that silicone is found in breast milk. It's important to tell your surgeon before the procedure if you plan to breastfeed because this can affect the type of operation you have.

There are few problems which may occur during or after the operation. The possible complications include an unexpected reaction to the anesthetic usually in a vein in the leg, excessive bleeding or developing a blood clot. Other complication of breast enlargement includes breast pain, breast hardness, and numbness in the nipple may also last for a few days to a couple of months. Sometimes scars can become red, thick and painful and may need more surgery; Implants can leak. This may be a slow seeping or a sudden split. If this happens, your implant may need to be taken out. Usually serious complications are rear to see.

Recovering from breast enlargement surgery includes painkiller as advised by the surgeon. Also it is beneficial to get back to your daily activities as soon as possible. But then heavy lifting or stress exercises are to be avoided for initial three to four weeks. Sometimes, breast implants can interfere with mammography, so if you're going for breast screening it is better to tell your radiographer or nurse about your breast implants.

For Breast Augmentation with breast implant in India, Dr Tejinder Bhatti uses only Mentor implants for all his clients since your safety and well-being are foremost at Darling Buds Clinic, Chandigarh, India

Basic facts to know about breast implants

Breast implantation is becoming a common option with each passing day as more number of women has today started opting for this prosthesis to give their breasts a new and a bigger shape and size. With the help of this surgical practice, the medical professionals reconstruct the breast of women by establishing an implant pocket, which serves in giving a permanent support to the breast implant.

Breast implant devices are basically characterized by the filler material that is held in the implants. The three common types of breast implant devices are saline, silicone and composite. Breast implant is not only done to women rather this treatment has also been opted for by many men because this surgical practice can also correct all the defects and deformities in a male breast as well.

Though breast implants is a common term that we hear today, still there are many people, who still wants to be sure prior opting for this treatment that whether breast implant is really a safe option to choose or are there any side effects of this treatment?

Clearing above facts is the main aim of this article and thus to serve the purpose here below mentioned are some truths that can clear the picture about  breast implant to a great extent.

Safety of breast implant is not just a question of today but this question has been in the mind of all those women, who are looking forward to breast augmentation in India or who want to give their breasts a better shape and size.

Sometime back in November 2006, even FDA issued a report on the use of breast implants in which it mentioned that silicone filled gel breast implants are safest but the authority also mentioned along with this conclusion that the effects are positive only if women over 22 years of age gets the implantation done. Post which, FDA approved 2 implant manufacturers to serve in the country with gel implants and saline implants- MENTOR & INAMED (ALSO CALLED McGHAN OR ALLERGAN) because they didn’t find any other company worth safety.

According to some professionals though breast implants till date have not shown any bigger complication, still they suggest that if a patient with breast implantation feels some breast pain, breast hardness, or numbness in their nipple, these symptoms must not be taken seriously as they may last a few days to a couple of months.

Breast implants on an average last for 20 years but in some rare cases the need to change them also arises in 10 years. The early change usually occurs because of some leak or break, which could be best prevented by using a high quality implant. Thus, breast implant must not be done with any risk or compromise, only high quality implants must be used in the procedure.

Apart from risk factors, women also worry about the cost involved in this medical procedure. USA women on an average have to pay USD 5000 to get their breast implants and that too if they use an average quality breast implant whereas in India the procedure costs approx Rs. 80,000 (USD 1900).

For breast enlargement with breast implant in India, Dr Tejinder Bhatti uses only Mentor implants for all his clients since your safety and well-being are foremost at Darling Buds Clinic, Chandigarh, India